Step 1: Go to the private Partner Management Platform you were invited to and log in.
Step 2: Navigate to your Agency Portfolio.
Step 3: Scroll down the page to the “Key Contacts” section. Click the ‘+ Add Key Contacts’ button.
Step 4: Type in the email of the contact you would like to invite and click the ‘Add Key Contact’ button.
Step 5: Fill out required contact details (first name, last name, location). You must also decide the role of the user you are adding.
Click the drop-down list and select either “partner admin” or “partner normal user”
Agency Admins: Can edit the agency’s portfolio.
Agency Users: Can only view the portfolio but may be invited to other things, like projects, that they may be able to add to.)
After filling out the contact details, click the ‘Add Key Contact’ button.
Step 7: Once the contact has been added, you must click the ‘Invite them’ button.
We hope this helped solve your issues. If you still need further assistance please contact the SpotSource Support Center.
Here are some links to other support articles you may want to check out.