Note: In this article, we use the generic term "partner" which can mean different things depending on the type of platform you have been invited to. For you, "partner" might mean agency, supplier, vendor, contractor, or something similar.
If you are logged into your instance of SpotSource, you will first need to check if you are a normal user or an admin. To do this, click the top right user picture area to get to your user profile. On this page, you should see the partner(s) you are a part of and what role you have (usually either admin or normal user).
If you are an admin, you should go to your partner portfolio and scroll down to the Key Contacts and Team Member sections. At the top right of these sections, you will see a blue link to add users. Once you have added them, don't forget to click the "invite" link if it still says "Invite them" on their user tile. This will trigger the invite email that helps them get signed up with access.
If you aren't an admin, you should still go to your partner portfolio and scroll down to the Key Contacts and Team Member sections. Some of the users here should have the "Admin" designation. You should contact your Admin to have them add the necessary team members. You can even cut and paste instructions from the paragraph above and send it to them in case they are unsure how to add users.
We hope this helps you add your team members so that you can all work together on projects, respond to bids, or just provide updated key contacts so it is easy for everyone to do business together.